Collage Group’s Multicultural Passion Points research includes the latest insights on the topics and activities where multicultural consumers invest their time, money, and enthusiasm.

The research covers Hispanic, Black, Asian and White consumers as part of our Multicultural program, and expands into generation, sexuality and gender in the Generations and LGBTQ+ & Gender Programs.

Passion Points help brands:

• Build authentic creative to ensure messaging campaigns speak to consumer’s lived experiences.

• Evaluate cross-segment opportunities to extend reach through shared passion points.

• Identify opportunities to seamlessly engage consumer passion points, and find a logical fit to connect more deeply with specific consumer segments.

Diving deeper into Black consumer passion points, we identify three of the eight areas (overall) that are uniquely of interest to this segment: music, fashion and religion. 


Black consumers have distinct tastes for R&B, hip-hop and gospel music when compared to consumers of other races/ethnicities. In particular, seven in ten Black consumers listen to R&B, which marks a truly statistically significant difference when it comes to multicultural consumer music preferences.

Further, Black American consumers enjoy talking about their favorite music the most, with nearly seven out of ten respondents expressing a passion in this area.


Clothing that is unique and comfortable is the preference for Black American consumers. Further, all multicultural consumers want clothing that makes them feel confident.

And, nearly 50 percent of Black consumers consider themselves to be stylish or fashionable, with a focus in hair/beard, shoes, jewelry, eyeglasses and makeup.


Black Americans are most likely to routinely practice religion, and religious and spiritual beliefs influence music choices for more than one in four Black consumers.

Further, nearly half of Black and Hispanic Americans are actively involved in a religious community, ranking higher than Asian (46%) and White (37%) consumers.

Beyond these top-line findings, Collage Group members have access to insights on why Black Americans, and other segments, over- or under-index on Passion Points, and the nuances brands should be aware of as they activate on these trends.